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Tuesday, November 20, 2012



Ratheesh Kaliyadan
Freedom of speech and expression is one of the important tenets of Indian constitution.The fundamental right is violated by the Maharashtra Police officials by arresting Shaheen Dhada for a simple reason. The reason is her pretty comment on the bandh in Maharashtra in connection with Bal Thakare's death and funneral function.The police's allegation is that she was hurting the religious sentiments. Thackare was a political leader who lead political struggles by utilising Maratta feelings. Then how does the comment hurt the religious sentiments. It is an innocent comment which will not fire even a small piece of paper. We do not understand the police men's stand. its a mere absurd to say that a comment on Hartal or Bandh posted in a social media which would be shared in friend's circle will harm the religious sentiments. The police action is considered to be the violation of the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression.
People belong to different walks of life are marching their protest against the police action. They are supporting the young lady and become guardian of the fundamental right. The valuable comment of Markanteya Katju, the chairman of Press Council gets specia attention. He wrote:  "Under Article 19(1)(a) of our Constitution freedom of speech is a guaranteed fundamental right . We are living in a democracy, not a fascist dictatorship. In fact this arrest itself appears to be a criminal act since under sections 341 and 342 it is a crime to wrongfully arrest or wrongfully confine someone who has committed no crime" .
The police action is not an alienated incident. Let's see and experience similar occasions in various states. Those who are moving pen against the orthodoxy or the government policies are being tortured  in different ways. Invisible internal emergency is practiced here. At the same time media are not supporting the social causes. Knowingly or unknowingly they are also become part of official play grounds.

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